The access for commercial online record services in Tennessee switched to a new online access system effective April 1, 2017. The processing of records is now under the Department of Finance & Administration and requesters must open an account at
New requesters must still be approved by the Department of Safety, complete a Network Registration Agreement, and be authorized per DPPA. The fee for a three-year driving record is $7.50, an increase of $.50. Subscribers may also verify driver license status (name, DOB, address and DL expire date) for $1.25 per search, plus if approved, requesters may obtain vehicle title and registration records for $2.00 per search.
The information about the new service is somewhat hard to find on the Tennessee web page, plus content regarding the former system is still showing live on web pages. For questions or more information on the new system, see, or call 888-890-8183, or email [email protected].
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