The Idaho Judiciary has delayed its transition to a new case management system called iCourts for court filing and records. The new system is an Odyssey product from Tyler Technologies and will replace the existing system called iStars. At this time Ada and Twin Falls counties are running on the new system, but ten more counties were scheduled to move onto the new system in the Spring of 2017. However, this has been delayed due to the need to fix some bugs and reportedly per revenue shortfalls in the counties.
Overall, the transition is expected to take 3 years to realize all statewide benefits. Once the complete system is fully deployed to all counties, it will provide improved access to electronic court records, hearing schedules, court documents, e-filing and more. At present, public access is limited to case document information. The plan is to first give judges and attorneys online access to trial court records including the ability view court documents and files. Eventually the public will have access to case documents also, but not for several years.
Below is a brief overview of each system.
The web page for searching is
The Judiciary's schedule to add counties has Blaine, Boise, Camas, Canyon, Cassia, Elmore, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, Owyhee and Valley Counties transitioning to iCourt in October 2017. Then Adams, Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clearwater, Gem, Idaho, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, Payette, Shoshone, Washington Counties will migrate in April 2018. The remaining 16 counties, Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Bonneville, Butte, Caribou, Clark, Custer, Franklin, Fremont, Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, Oneida, Power and Teton, will go live in October 2018.
As mentioned, the public's ability to view case documents online at these courts will be delayed to at least 2018.
For all counties except Ada and Twin Falls, free access to trial court record index is provided at
The terminals at the court house go back further, show the class of record, and can have more dispositions reported when compared to the older online system. Thus, iStars is not thought to be equivalent to an onsite search at the courthouse. It is not yet known if the new system will be online/onsite equivalent.