Effective July 1, 2011, recording fees will decrease by $2.00. The fee for the first
page of all documents (standard size) will be $7.00; it was $9.00. Each additional page will still be $5.00.
A $20 surcharge is imposed on all recorded instruments including Deeds, Deeds of Trust (Mortgages), and Powers of Attorney. Note the surcharge will only affect instruments executed on or after July 1, 2011. Any documents executed prior to this date will not be affected. For example the typical cost of recording a real estate sale will increase from $40 to $60.
New Mexico
The state is changing the its fee procedure for recording documents. Effective July 1, 2011, the cost to record a document will be $25.00; however, this will include up to a block of 10 entries in the index of the county recording district. Each addition entry group up to 10 will be an additional $25. This new price structure will actually lower the cost of recording many documents.
Kerns County, California
Recording fees will increase by $6.00 for all documents (except Maps and UCCs).
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